Still working on the same batch of photos that came out of an Estate sale in Ft. Worth, neither one of us has a clue about either of these photos. The first one in this post shows three people posing against either a Connestoga or freight wagon. If you look between the people and under the wagon, a section of lattice can be seen, which implies...but doesn't prove...that the wagon is sitting in the yard of a house.
This photo raises even more questions. We have the same three people posing for their picture. But this time one man is sitting in the seat of a sleigh that is built entirely (except for metal bracing rods) from wood, including the runners. It also appears that it had not moved for some time due to the weeds that have grown up around the runners.
Where the photo was taken is anyone's guess and we still have the lack of identity for the people. Note that the lady is carrying a tooled leather purse.
Time period for either photo is unknown, but since it came out of the same batch of Estate photos, it's reasonable to postulate a time frame of 1925 - 1945.
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