Thursday, April 10, 2008

Headlines From The Meadowlark, May 4, 1951. Part 2.

This post picks up with page 3 of The Meadowlark. Most of this page is taken with ads and the continuation of Scrapbook Memories from page 1. However, there are two photographs identifying the winners in the lunchroom contest at Meadowbrook Elementary. One is for the First Grade, while the other is for the Second Grade. While I can’t identify First Grade teacher, Second Grade is another story. The teacher is Ruby Wenzel and the photograph is the same one I posted earlier of my Second Grade class.

If you’re wondering, as I did, just what the heck a Junior High School newspaper is doing running photos of First and Second grade contests, I can suggest a couple or three things. First, Meadowbrook Elementary and Meadowbrook Junior High were almost within sight of each other. Second, Charles Berry had been principal of Meadowbrook Elementary the previous year. And third, the student reporters were doing what all good reporters do. Finding news.

Moving on to page four, we find headlines that tell you about some of the activities going on at that time.

Senior Play Casts Selected lists the casts of the senior play “Just Ducky.” A point brought out by the report was the fact that both the fifth and sixth period classes were going to perform the play, making it twice as good as last year’s effort.

Then there’s The Class Will Of “51” which was essentially a vehicle to metaphorically pass the torch to those who will come after them.

Another report let you know that Meadowbrook Has First Garden Show. There is a complete list of awards.

Finally, an article (or actually announcement) headed Attention, High Nine! invites everyone to the senior banquet to be held in the school cafeteria on May 18, 1951 at 6:30 p.m. Decorations would have a circus theme and there would be special entertainment afterward.

Turning over to page five, there are photographs of the Third Grade Lunchroom Winners and Mrs. Graham’s Sixth Grade Lunchroom Winners. There’s also a Sixth Grade News Report given by Mrs. Dry, with the rest of the page containing ads and the continuation of The Class Will Of “51”.

Finally we work our way to page six, titled Sports On Parade. There are photos of the school’s Tennis Players, Boy’s Softball Team and Girl’s Volley Ball Team.

As for headlines, Tracksters Hit The Cinders At Track Meet April 24 details the performance of their track members, broken down by school grade.

T For Tennis describes the performance of the tennis team and Softball deals with the softball team. Another report describes the Volley Ball Team under the Volleyball heading.

Finally, the headline High Nine Tea To Be Given describes a tea to be given in honor of the high ninth grade and their mothers in the school cafeteria on May 17.

And that, folks, is the end of Meadowbrook Junior High School’s The Meadowlark student newspaper.

Before closing this post, I’ve said it before but it doesn’t hurt to say it again, don’t hesitate to post your own memories of Ft. Worth or send them to me by email. Photos are particularly welcome (even if all you have are negatives). Contact me for a snail mail address in order to send photos for use in Timeship. They will be handled carefully, scanned and the originals returned promptly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The reason elementary and junior high news items were included in the Meadowlark was because in 1951 this school was grades 1-9. In 1954 Meadowbrook Jr. High was opened virtually across the street.